Sunday Morning 10:30 AM

1700 S. Josey Ln

Carrollton, TX 75006

Welcome Home!

Bienvenidos a Casa!

Jesus is at the center of everything we do. We exist to bring healing and hope to families. As it says in Colossians 1:6, 'All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace.'

Jesús está en el centro de todo lo que hacemos. Existimos para llevar sanidad y esperanza a las familias. Como dice en Colosenses 1:6, 'El evangelio está dando fruto y creciendo en todo el mundo, igual que sucede entre vosotros desde el día que oísteis y conocisteis la gracia de Dios en verdad.'"

A Church with a heart for Community - Una Iglesia con un corazòn para la comunidad

Created to worship.

Worship when the people of God gather to recognize the works of God in our lives. It is also a time to reconnect with each other and God. Worship is engaging with a loving family around you.

At North Dallas Family Church, we believe that love from God is reflected in the fellowship of believers around you. Come join the Family each Sunday morning at 10:30 am.

One on One Discipleship
Married Couples Retreat - Retiro de Parejas Casadas
Worship Team - Equipo de Alabanza

Be Part of the Family

North Dallas Family Church



Bible Study

Cultos Pequeños


Que Cremos?
to North Dallas Family Church