Holy Week 2024 – Holy Week 2024
Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter Sunday in the Christian calendar. It commemorates the final week of Jesus Christ’s life, including his entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, his crucifixion, and ultimately his resurrection.
La Semana Santa es una celebración religiosa cristiana que conmemora la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Jesucristo.
Palm Sunday March 24, 2024 – Domingo de Ramas 10:30 am
Palm Sunday, known as “Domingo de Ramos” in Spanish, is the Sunday before Easter Sunday and marks the beginning of Holy Week in the Christian calendar. It commemorates the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, described in the Gospels as riding on a donkey while crowds greeted him with palm branches, shouting “Hosanna” and laying their cloaks on the road before him.
This Sunday our Children will present their musical: “Raise a Halleluyah!” during our Sunday morning service at 10:30 am Sunday and a special Saturday matinee performance March 23, 2024 at 5:00 pm in the sanctuary.
Passover Meal 7:00 pm Wednesday March 27, 2024 – Cena de Pascua March 27 7:00 pm
A Seder service is a ritual meal that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover (Pesach in Hebrew). Passover commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt, as described in the biblical book of Exodus. We will have this traditional meal and explain the events leading to the last supper of Christ.
Un servicio de Seder es una comida ritual que marca el comienzo de la festividad judía de la Pascua (Pesaj en hebreo). La Pascua conmemora la liberación de los israelitas de la esclavitud en el antiguo Egipto, según se describe en el libro bíblico del Éxodo.
Seven Last Words service / Culto de las ultimas siete palabras
Friday March 29 / viernes 29 de marzo 6:30 pm
The “Seven Last Words of Jesus” service, known as “Las Siete Palabras” in Spanish, is a traditional Christian worship service held on Good Friday. It focuses on the seven last statements or sayings attributed to Jesus Christ as recorded in the four Gospels of the New Testament. Come join us for this traditional service on Good Friday.
Sunday, March 24 / Sunday, March 24 – Resurrection Day / Dia de Resurreccíon
Sunrise service / Matins – 8:00 am
Breakfast / Breakfast – 9:00 am
Resurrection Day Service / Resurrection Day Worship – 10:00 am
Baptism Service / Bautismos – 12:00 pm
Baptism Reception / Reception celebrating the baptisms – 12:30 pm